QueenBoots - Details regarding RoIO recordings

RoIO, Bootlegs and Copyrighted Material

What is a RoIO Recording?

  1. A RoIO recording can be expressed in a few ways;
  • Recording of Independent Origin
  • Recording of Indeterminate Origin
  • Recording of Illegitimate Origin
    1. These recordings can come in many forms; from members of the audience, either taping or filming a show, to recordings taken from the radio, soundboard or television
    2. RoIO recordings are normally circulated freely in the fan community as a way of sharing (which is not for profit)

    What is a Bootleg?

    1. A Bootleg is essentially the same as an RoIO recording, with the source (in most cases) being identical. The Bootleg companies will try and purchase original tapes but will also search fan forums worldwide looking for new recordings emerging to create a Bootleg release. They sometimes release the work of others as their own
    2. Bootlegs usually refer to a Vinyl, CD or DVD which is being sold for monetary profit

    What is Copyrighted Material?

    1. In legal terms 'Copyrighted Material means any original work that has been fixed in any tangible medium of expression'. Therefore, any official release from the band, in whatever medium or format (including digitally) is their legal copyright
    2. Please bear in mind that, almost globally, copyright on 'musical and artistic work' lasts 70 years after the author’s death
    3. This legal stance MUST be honoured, and as such, a good deal of time is taken to ensure that no copyrighted material appears in these databases

    If you think you have found copyrighted material linked through this site, please report it via the contact form. Emails regarding copyright issues are treated with the highest priority, and upon verification, any reported material will have links removed as soon as possible